MMXXII by Cocoon has been recently published for the Commodore Amiga OCS/ECS. This demo ranked second at the Nordlicht 2022 oldskool demo competition.
EmoKakFuu v2022.09.17 (Nordlicht 2022) (Commodore 64 Musicdisk)
EmoKakFuu by Mayday! has been recently published for the Commodore 64. Freshly released at Nordlicht 2022.
Elfairy (for real) (Function 2022) (Commodore Amiga OCS/ECS Demo)
Elfairy (for real) by Abyss-Connection is an Commodore Amiga OCS/ECS demo, released at Nordlich 2022. It ranked #1 in the oldskool demo competition. Unfortunately there is no pre-recorded video yet.
Raster and Servant (Nordlicht 2022) (Commodore Amiga AGA Demo)
Raster and Servant is another fine example by Resistance what old, but great, hardware is capable of. First presented at Nordlicht 2022. The production ranked 3rd place in the oldschool demo competition.