Status 2023 by M.E.T.A.F.O.X. DKHQ is a Musicdisk for Commodore Amiga OCS.
Knight Chips (Gerp 2023) (Commodore Amiga OCS) (Musicdisk)
Knight Chips by The Electronic Knights is a Musicdisk released at ‘Gerp 2023’ for Commodore Amiga OCS. Enjoy a couple of excellent tunes, made on an excellent machine!
The Beautiful Machine Volume 1 (Commodore Amiga OCS) (Musicdisk)
The Beautiful Machine Volume 1 by Artstate is a music disc for Commodore Amiga OCS. It comes with plenty of tunes, don’t miss ’em, fire up your Amiga or an emulator of your choice.
Madlib Volume 1B v2022.11.01 (Commodore 64 Musicdisk)
Madlib Volume 1B by Mr. Mouse/Xentax has been released earlier today the Commodore 64. This music collection holds now a total of 1028 songs from 106 games, see included tab-separated text files for the full list, spread over 60 disk-sides (.d64 files).
Techzilla (Syntax Society Oktüberfest 2022) (Commodore Amiga OCS/ECS Musicdisk)
Techzilla by M.E.T.A.F.O.X. DKHQ is a music disk and has been recently published for the Commodore Amiga OCS/ECS. It features four tunes.
EmoKakFuu v2022.09.17 (Nordlicht 2022) (Commodore 64 Musicdisk)
EmoKakFuu by Mayday! has been recently published for the Commodore 64. Freshly released at Nordlicht 2022.