a2-4eva by VMW Productions is a 1k oldskool intro released at ‘Lovebyte 2023’ for Atari 2600.
Tag:1k Intro
Cyan1k (Lovebyte 2023) (Commodore 64 – C64) (1k Intro)
Cyan1k by Arise Design is a 1k Intro released at ‘Lovebyte 2023’ for Commodore 64.
Waiting For Another LoveByte (Lovebyte 2023) (Sinclair ZX Spectrum) (1k Intro)
Waiting For Another LoveByte by Joker is an oldskool 1k Intro for Sinclair ZX Spectrum released at ‘Lovebyte 2023’.
FauxjiBoink (Lovebyte 2023) (Nesbox TIC-80) (1k Intro)
FauxjiBoink by jtruk is a Nesbox TIC-80 1k Intro released at ‘Lovebyte 2023’.
RTXteroids (Lovebyte 2023) (Nesbox TIC-80) (1k Intro)
RTXteroids by Pellicus is a 1k Intro released at ‘Lovebyte 2023’ for Nesbox TIC-80.
Odd Future (Lovebyte 2023) (MS-DOS) (1k Intro)
Odd Future by Abaddon is a MS-DOS 1k Intro released at Lovebyte 2023.
DYCP (Intro Creation Competition 2022) (Commodore 64 – C64) (1k Intro)
DYCP by Laxity is a 1k Intro with music and custom charset released at ‘Intro Creation Competition 2022’ for Commodore 64.
ONS (Intro Creation Competition 2022) (Commodore 64 – C64) (1k Intro)
ONS by Onslaught is a 1k Intro released at ‘Intro Creation Competition 2022’ for Commodore 64.
Small Something (Intro Creation Competition 2022) (Commodore 64 – C64) (1k Intro)
Small Something by Faith Design is a 1k Intro released at ‘Intro Creation Competition 2022’ for Commodore 64.