Minestorm by A-TOM is an action shooter game made with PICO-8.
In this game, the enemy minelayer will move through your galaxy and will seed the first mine field. Your ship will come into view once he disappears. Four large mines will suddenly become activated. Maneuver your ship within the galaxy in an effort to destroy the mines. As you travel through space, fire at the mines. Once you make that part of the galaxy safe, you immediately travel to the next mine field. There are 30 different mine fields, each one becoming increasingly difficult. If you are hit by a mine you will lose one ship. The mission continues depending on your pilot skill:
A new ship will mysteriously be placed back onto the field you are currently in and you can continue to clear out that field if you have any ships remaining. Beware: A collision with the minelayer will result in the reseeding of that field.
The minelayer will reseed the field you are currently in and you will have another chance to clear out that field if you have any ships remaining.
Field Types:
Each of the 30 mine fields gets more difficult, but each starts with 4 large mines. Once a large mine is destroyed, 2 medium-sized mines are activated. When a medium-sized mine is destroyed, 2 small mines are activated. The first field has 4 floating mines. Each new field starts with harder combinations of mines.
Number of Ships:
In each game you start with 5 ships. A bonus ship is awarded if you clear out 3 fields.